Dr. Anne McNutt
Director of Business and Industry Training
Bevill State Community College
101 State Street, Box 800
Sumiton, AL 35148
Telephone: (205) 648-3271 (Ext. 5225)
E-mail: KRussell@bscc.edu
Mr. Dennis Steffy, CMSP
Director, Mining and Petroleum Training Services
University of Alaska - Anchorage
162 College Road
Soldotna, AK 99669
Telephone: (907) 262-2788
E-mail: mapts@alaska.net
Ms. Laurie Schwartzbaugh
Executive Assistant
Arizona State Mine Inspector's Office
1700 West Washington, Suite 403
Phoenix, AZ 85007-2805
Telephone: (602) 542-5971
E-mail: LSwartzbaugh@mi.state.az.us
Susan Weaver
MSHA Supervisor
Arkansas Department of Labor
10421 West Markham
Little Rock, AR 72205
Telephone: (501) 682-4520
E-mail: Susan.G.Weaver@arkansas.gov
Ms. Marcie Goodman
Senior Engineer
California Department of Industrial Relations
1367 East Lassen Avenue, Suite B-4
Chico, CA 95973
Telephone: (909) 888-3942
E-mail: MGoodman@dir.ca.gov
Mr. Bill York-Feirn, CMSP
Supervisor, Mine Safety and Training
Division of Reclamation, Mining and Safety
CO Dept. of Natural Resources
1313 Sherman Street, Room 215
Denver, CO 80203
Telephone: (303) 866-3567 ext. 8151
E-mail: bill.york-feirn@state.co.us
Dr. Stuart Bennett
Program Director
Department of Manufacturing and Construction Management
Central Connecticut State University
1615 Stanley Street
New Britain, CT 06050
Telephone: (860) 832-1835
E-mail: BennettS@ccsu.edu
Dr. Mark Radomsky
Mining Engineering and Industrial Health and Safety Programs
Pennsylvania State University
204 Deike Building
University Park, PA 16802
Telephone: (814) 865-7473
E-mail: mcr4@psu.edu
Mr. W. Ben Hart, CMSP
Program Manager
Mine Safety & Health Training Program
Bureau of Mine Reclamation
Florida Dept. of Environmental Protection
2051 E. Dirac Drive, Room 134
Tallahassee, FL 32310-3760
Telephone: (850) 413-8192 Ext. 25
E-mail: ben.hart@dep.state.fl.us
Ms. Leigh Evans
Sandersville Technical College
1189 Deepstep Road
Sandersville, GA 31082
Telephone: (478) 553-2054
E-Mail: levans@sandersvilltech.edu
Mr. Glenn Rasco
Vice President of Instructional Services
Appalachian Technical College
1100 Campus Drive
Jasper, Georgia 30143
Telephone: (706) 253-4518
E-mail: grasco@appalachiantech.edu
Mr. Mike Weaver, CMSP
Program Manager
Idaho Geological Survey
University of Idaho
McClure Hall #327
Moscow, ID 83844-3024
Telephone: (208) 885-4351
E-Mail: mjweaver@uidaho.edu
Mr. Mike Woods
Senior Administrator for Mine Safety and Training Division
Office of Mines and Minerals
IL Dep't. of Natural Resources
1 Natural Resources Way, First Floor
Springfield, IL 62702-1271
Telephone: (618) 439-9111
E-Mail: Art.Rice@Illinois.gov
Mr. Ron Bucci
Program Manager
Vincennes University
Department of Technology
Mining Degree Division
1002 North First Street
Vincennes, IN 47591
Telephone: (812) 888-5032
E-Mail: rbucci@vinu.edu
Mr. Andrew Wermes, Consultant
Training Program Coordinator
Bureau of Community Colleges
Iowa Department of Education
Grimes State Office Building
400 East 14th and Graham
Des Moines, IA 50319-0146
Telephone: (515) 281-8353
E-Mail: Andrew.Wermes@iowa.gov
Mr. Ken Dobrinski
Program Manager
Kansas Small Mine Safety Program
Hutchinson Community College
1300 North Plum
Hutchinson, KS 67501-5894
Telephone: (620) 665-4991
E-mail: Dobrinskik@hutchcc.edu
Mr. Frank Reed
Div. of Safety Analysis, Training and Certification
P.O. Box 2244
Frankfort, KY 40602-2244
Telephone: (502) 573-0140
E-mail: Franklin.Reed@KY.gov
Ms. Betty Stubbs
Program Coordinator
MSHA State Grant Program
Louisiana Technical College
Florida Parishes Campus
P.O. Box 1300
Greensburg, LA 70441
Telephone: (800) 827-9750 ext. 202
E-mail: bstubbs@ltc.edu
Michael A. LaPlante
Occupational Safety & Health Program
ME. Department of Labor
Hallowell Annex, State House Station #45
Augusta, ME 04333-0045
Telephone: (207) 623-7921
E-mail: Michael.A.LaPlante@Maine.gov
Ms. Karen L. Brandt
Maryland Department of the Environment
1800 Washington Boulevard, Ste. 435
Baltimore, MD 21230-1708
Telephone: (301) 934-7504
E-mail: KBrandt@mcet.org
Mr. Ernest Kelley
Program Manager
Division of Occupational Safety
MA. Dept. of Labor and Workforce Dev.
167 Lyman Street
P.O. Box 809
Westborough, MA 01581
Telephone: (508) 616-0461
E-mail: ernest.kelley@state.ma.us
Mr. Murray Gillis
Program Manager
Department of Mining Engineering
Michigan Technological University
Room 418, Minerals & Materials Engineering Building
1400 Townsend Drive
Houghton, MI 49931-1295
Telephone: (906) 487-1820
E-mail: jmgillis@mtu.edu
Mr. Don Beckering
State Director
Fire/EMS/Safety Training
MN. State Colleges & Universities
Wells Fargo Place
30 7th Street East, Ste. 350
St. Paul, MN 55101-7804
Telephone: (651) 649-5411
E-mail: don.beckering@so.mnscu.edu
Mr. Ken McCarley
Division of Surface Mining & Reclamation
Office of Geology
Department of Environmental Quality
515 E. Amite Street
P.O. Box 2279
Jackson, MS 39210-2709
Telephone: (601) 961-5515
E-mail: ken_mccarley@deq.state.ms.us
Mr. Steve Dunn
Assistant Director
Division of Labor Standards, Mine and Cave Safety
Dep't. of Labor and Industrial Relations
3315 W. Truman Blvd., Suite 205
Jefferson City, MO 65102-0449
Telephone: (573) 751-3403
E-mail: Steve.Dunn@labor.mo.gov
Mr. Ron Umscheid
Safety and Health Bureau
Employment Relations Division
Montana Department of Labor and Industry
1625 11th., P.O. Box 1728
Helena, MT 59624-1728
Telephone: (406) 444-6419
E-mail: Rumscheid@mt.gov
Mr. Akhtar Zaman
Director, Minerals Department
Navajo Nation
P.O. Box 1910
Window Rock and Morgan Blvd
Window Rock, AZ 86515
Telephone: (928) 871-6587
E-mail: akhtarz@yahoo.com
Ms. Sherry Morrow
Nebraska Safety Center, West Center Bldg., E200
University of Nebraska at Kearney
905 W. 25th Street
Kearney, NE 68849-4550
Telephone: (308) 865-8256
E-mail: morrows@unk.edu
Mr. Jeff Bixler
Education and Training Coordinator
Mine Safety & Training Section
Division of Industrial Relations
Department of Business and Industry
400 West King Street, Suite 210
Carson City, NV 89703
Telephone: (775) 684-7085
E-mail: mines@govmail.state.nv.us
Ms. Eve Napoli
Safety Inspector
New Hampshire Department of Labor
95 Pleasant Street
Concord, NH 03301-6527
Telephone: (603) 271-6850
Mr. Mark Wadiak
Assistant Director
WDPP, PEOSH & Mine Safety Training Unit
New Jersey Department of Labor and Workforce Development
Division of Public Safety and Occupational Safety and Health
P. O. Box 386
Trenton, NJ 08625-0386
Telephone: (609) 984-0785
E-mail: Wadiak.Mark@dol.gov
Mr. Terence G. Foreback
New Mexico State Mine Inspector
New Mexico Bureau of Mine Safety
NM Institute of Mining Technology
801 Leroy Place
Socorro, NM 87801
Telephone: (575) 835-5460
E-mail: tforeback@admin.nmt.edu
Mr. Marino Franchini
Program Manager
Div. of Safety & Health
New York Department of Labor
Building 12, State Office Campus Rm. 167
Albany, NY 12240
Telephone: (518) 457-1638
E-mail: Marino.Franchini@labor.state.ny.us
Mr. William Gerringer
Chief, Mine & Quarry Bureau
North Carolina Department of Labor
1101 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, NC 27699-1101
Telephone: (919) 807-2790
E-mail: William.Gerringer@labor.nc.gov
Mr. Chuck Clairmont
Acting Executive Director
North Dakota Safety Council
1640 Burnt Boat Drive
Bismarck, ND 58503
Telephone: (701) 223-6372
E-mail: cclairmont@ndsc.org]
Mr. Jerry Stewart
Mine Safety Manager
Division of Mineral Resources Management
Department of Natural Resources
2045 Morse Road
Building H-3,
Columbus, OH 43229-6693
Telephone: (614) 265-6910
E-mail: Jerry.Stewart@dnr.state.oh.us
Judy Tate
OK Miner Training Institute
c/o EOSC - Baker Hall
1301 West Main
Wilburton, OK 74578
Telephone: (918) 465-1872
E-mail: JTate@eosc.edu
Mr. Ed Sinner
Program Director
Oregon Mine Safety & Health Training Program
Eastern Oregon University
One University Boulevard
La Grande, OR 97850
Telephone/FAX: (541) 962-3005
E-mail: esinner@eou.edu
Mr. Jeffrey Stanchek
Deep Mine Safety Emergency Response and Training Manager
Bureau of Deep Mine Safety
100 New Salem Road, Room 167
Uniontown, PA 15401
Telephone: (724) 439-7302
E-mail: jstanchek@state.pa.us
Ms. Renée Orta Anés
Administrative Official
Puerto Rico Occupational Safety and Health Administration (PROSHA)
505 Muñoz Rivera Ave.
Prudencio Rivera Matinez Bldg.
Floor 20
Hato Rey, PR 00918
Telephone: (797) 754-2172
E-mail: orta.renee@dol.gov
Dr. Stuart Bennett
Program Director
Department of Manufacturing and Construction Management
Central Connecticut State University
1615 Stanley Street
New Britain, CT 06050
Telephone: (860) 832-1835
E-mail: BennettS@ccsu.edu
Dr. Harriet Hilton
Associate Dean
Division of Continuing Education
And Workforce Development
Technical College of the Lowcountry
P.O. Box 1228
921 Ribaut Road
Beaufort, SC 29901
Telephone: (843) 470-8385
E-mail: HHilton@tcl.edu
Alternate Contact: Mr. Harold Guerry
Telephone: (843) 986-6227
E-mail: HGuerry@tcl.edu
Dr. Charles Kliche
Mining Engineering and Management Program
South Dakota School of Mines and Technology
501 E. St. Joseph Street
Rapid City, S.D. 57701
Telephone: (605) 394-2344
E-mail: Charles.Kliche@sdsmt.edu
Mr. Oscar Frederick
Director, Division of Mines
TN Department of Labor and Workforce Development
P.O. Box 124
Caryville, TN 37714
Telephone: (423) 566-9709
E-mail: Frederick.Oscar@state.tn.us
Mr. John Henderson
Program Coordinator
Professional Development Center
University of Texas at Austin, IED
P.O. Box 7518
Austin, TX 78713-7518
Telephone: (512) 232-2238
E-mail: jhenderson@mail.utexas.edu
Mr. Miles C. Nelson
Associate Vice President
College of Eastern Utah
Workforce Education
451 East 400 North
Price, Utah 84501
Telephone: (435) 613-1438 Ext. 420
E-mail: miles.nelson@ceu.edu
Mr. Richard J. Wobby, Jr., CMSP
Director, Member Services
Associated General Contractors of Vermont
148 State Street, P. O. Box 750
Montpelier, VT 05601-0750
Telephone: (802) 223-2374
E-mail: rjw@agcvt.org
Mr. Carroll Green
Supervisor, Division of Mines
VA Dept. of Mines, Minerals & Energy
P.O. Drawer 900
Big Stone Gap, VA 24219
Telephone: (276) 523-8232
E-mail: Carroll.Green@dmme.virginia.gov
Dr. Michael Brzoska
Director, Dept. of Technology
Eastern Washington University
Comprehensive Mine Safety and Health Program
319 Computing and Engineering Building
Cheney, WA 99004-2492
Telephone: (509) 359-7026
E-mail: mbrzoska@mail.ewu.edu
Mr. C.A. Phillips
Deputy Director
West Virginia Office of Miners' Health,
Safety and Training
1615 Washington East
Charleston, WV 25311-2126
Telephone: (304) 558-1425, ext. 23
E-mail: caphillips@mines.state.wv.us
Mr. Dave Vriezen
Section Chief
WI Department of Commerce
Safety and Buildings Division
201 West Washington Avenue, 4th Floor
P.O. Box 2658
Madison, WI 53701-2658
Telephone: (608) 261-2503
E-mail: David.Vriezen@Wisconsin.gov
Mr. Terry Adcock
State Mine Inspector
WY Department of Employment
Box 1094
Rock Springs, WY 82902
Telephone: (307) 362-5222
E-mail: tadcoc@state.wy.us
Website: http://www.sheridan.edu/msha/
Mr. Gary Wolfe
Program Manager
WY MSHA State Grant Program, Gillette College
300 West Sinclair
Gillette, WY 82718
Telephone: (307) 875-6067
Cell: (307) 871-1510
E-mail: gwolfe@wyoming.com;