MSHA Helpers
These forms are for your use. CAUTION: Use at your own discretion. MAPTS accepts no reponsibility. Most of these documents were developed by MAPTS, others are so useful that we just had to share them with you.
Training Plan for Part 46 Mines - SAND AND GRAVEL OPERATIONS
30 CFR Part 46.3 requires that Part 46 mine operators develop a training plan that outlines their company's procedure for training miners. We've attached a blank, interactive form that you can use to develop your plan; plus an example for a fictious company to give you an idea of what a completed plan might look like. In addition to the training plan for miners, the mine operator must implement a method that informs visitors of mine hazards. This may be accomplished by signage at the mine and, as demonstrated here, the use of a site-specific hazard awareness training plan.
Part 46 Training Plan Example; Part 46 Blank Training Plan
Site Specific Example #1; Site Specific Example #2; Site Specific Training Certificate
Machine Guarding
Presented at MSHA's Spring Thaw in Anchorage, this powerpoint presentation is shown in conjunction with MSHA's DVD: Junkyard Guards. Discusses risk assessment (briefly); aftermarket "homemade" maching guarding; and fatalities associated with lack of guarding.
Take all of those MSDS' out of your file cabinet and put them into a binder that is accessible to all your employees. To make your life easier, we've created pages that go into a binder, along with a Hazardous Chemical Inventory form, which has fields that you can type into. All you need is Adobe Acrobat Reader.
Haz Com Program Example; HazCom Binder Pages ; Hazardous Chemical Inventory Form
Examination of Workplaces
MSHA 56.18002 requires that a competent person examine each working place at least once every shift for conditions that affect safety and and health; in addition, a supervisor is required to examine these as well. We've developed a daily sign-off form for the employee and supervisor to use.
Vehicle Accident Checklist
Not an MSHA requirement. Toss this checklist in the glovebox of each vehicle, along with a disposable camera. In the event of an accident, it prompts your employees to document pertinent information that may be crucial later.
First Aid
Use our First Aid Plan Evaluation form to help you see gaps in your program, or help put all your reponse information in one place. Another tool that students enjoy receiving is our CPR Prompt card. Use the template to print cards, cut them out and laminate for handy wallet cards. Emergencies are stressful enough without wondering if you remember the proper technique.
Mine Open/Close
We've taken MSHA's Mine Open/Close form and made it interactive. The form provided here is for Alaska. We can alter it at your request. Email us at mapts@alaska.net
Part 46 Mine - Concrete Batch Plant - Aggregate Operations
This was developed to help operators of Part 46 Mines understand how task training affects their employees. This document uses employees of a concrete batch plant/pit as an example.
SOA Basic H&S Program
Does your company have a basic health and safety program? The State of Alaska has developed this document to assist you in developing your own H&S program. This is not an MSHA form, but important just the same.
MAPTS has developed a powerpoint presentation that addresses Blasting Awareness. Adapt this presentation to your own needs. BLASTING AWARENESS POWERPOINT (11.4 MB)
MAPTS has developed a powerpoint presentation that addresses "Complacency in Safety". Highlighted is Unocal's Bhopal India disaster. While not mine or MSHA related, it effectively demonstrates the trickle down effect caused by complancency. MAPTS provides this presentation to all MSHA State Grant recipients free of charge. Email us if you'd like a CD version.
Mining and Petroleum Training Service
162 College Road
Soldotna, Alaska 99669
(907) 262-2788;. Fax: (907) 262-2812
(907) 786-6413 - Anchorage
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